Free Resources

Intro to Basic Modeling Fundamentals 101

A presentation that explains how regression models work; what you need to build them and how to evaluate performance.

One Model or Many Models

Examination of the issues and decision points that will allow you to determine the best approach to meet your needs.

Real Property Assessment from the Viewpoint of Racial and Social Equity

Defining the Problem: an in-depth article that defines inequity in assessments and examines the entry points for bias; why analysts frequently mis-diagnose the problem and how to defend against allegations of bias. 

Read the article on Medium 〉

Valuation of Multi-Purpose Buildings

Presentation of a method for using income models to estimate values for large buildings that contain more than one type of space or use.

Custom Market Area Delineations

A presentation about why everyone should be using custom defined location attributes; demonstration of a successful implementation; and how you can create your own custom defines locations. 

Finding the Secret Sauce

An examination of the use of model specifications, transformations or coefficients from one market to another. Much of the discussion is around the uniqueness of each market, and the need to understand how the relative importance of attributes, market dynamics and the relationship between model constants and adjustments make present difficulties in using model written for one market in a different market. This presentation is being given at GIS/ValTech 2023, the IAAO Mass Appraisal Research Symposium 2023 and the IAAO conference 2023.

Philadelphia Mentoring Program Information and Application

Read it on Medium 〉

Garbage in - Garbage Out by Jennifer Rearich of Maricopa County AZ

An article about the importance of establishing and maintaining data quality.

Read the article on Research Exchange 〉

Tax Year 2019 Methodology

An article documenting the mass appraisal process and methodology for a revaluation project in Philadelphia. An example of forward-facing documentation.

Read the article on 〉

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