Keene Mass Appraisal Consulting



“On behalf of the mass appraisal team here at the City of Cape Town we would like to extend our most profound appreciation and thanks to the City of Philadelphia and in particular to you and your team for the great and informative modeling sessions which you offered to us. You indeed shared your mass appraisal modeling skills and knowledge with us without hesitation, we are very much indebted to you.

The hours you put in, in these sessions despite your busy schedule and the professionalism you exhibited are appreciated and we deem ourselves honored to have been mentored by you and your team.

There are a number of areas where we have improved tremendously as a direct result of these sessions in particular time adjustments, building/land size curve adjustments and outlier removal making sure we do not over fit our models.”

Sindiso Ntuta, Head of CAMA Research & Development – Valuations; City of Cape Town, SA


“As a forty-eight-year employee of the OPA working in various division and currently Supervisor of the multi-family unit of commercial and industrial division, I had the pleasure of working with Kevin for over 25 years in his different roles at the OPA from Evaluator I to the Director of the Modeling Unit. In this position, Kevin was an amazing self-taught innovator for the instituting of CAMA systems for the OPA.

He began a program for the multi-family unit in the first stages of developing CAMA systems that is still a valuable tool that is utilized in this unit.

My view as to his insights into how to utilize and implement CAMA system to assist not only the multi-family but all the OPA for reassessment purposes, is that he is a person that demanded high expectations of himself and his staff to present the most detailed information based on his research and working to design and implement the CAMA system. His thirst for knowledge was to have the best CAMA system and he accomplished this within the OPA, with accolades from the department and City officials and also from outside the department. ”

Donna Dirscherl, Supervisor Apartment Valuation Unit; Office of Property Assessment; City of Philadelphia


“I met Kevin early in my career at one of my first trips to the GIS/CAMA (now GIS/Valuation Technologies) Conference. Since then I’ve come to see his passion for valuation modeling through many conference presentations as well as his initiating the development of a Modeling Workshop as a collaboration amongst top modelers in the industry. Kevin is a top-notch assessment professional who brings a wealth of knowledge, problem solving skills, and creativity to the challenges of valuation modeling and assessment.”

Jennifer Rearich, Business Analytics and CAMA Supervisor, Maricopa County AZ